Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

usually laugh at it, but on a larger scale, such stereotypes really
dehumanizing and downplay our hard work.
A theoretical space without racism.
I domt really know if I'd say anything or do anything...but I'd definitely
feel safer and calmer. I would imagine the world wouldbe more
diverse, for example in media, schools, politics etc.I think everyone
would be more educated because we'd learn from morepeople of dif
backgrounds and cultures.
Hmm this sounds kinda bad, but sometimes I feel likeI'm faking my
connection to my ethnicity. So I was born in theUS and the only family
I have here is my nuclear family. My grandparentsr all in China so I
rarely visit them. Growing up, I don't think I wasever educated to be
proud of or take ownership of the fact that I'm Chinese.Like its not as if
my family didn't integrate cultural things, such asfood or some
holidays, but my ethnicity wasn't really a big partof my life growing
up. Now, I'm more self aware and have realized thatI need to be more
in touch with my culture. But sometimes I feel likeI'm forcing myself...
I dont really know how to explain it but sometimesI feel like there isn't
a strong connection between me and my culture thattranscends
beyond little things such as food.
I think the biggest correction i would make is whensomeone says that
"duh, ur good bc ur asian" to tell them that thatinvalidates our
hardwork and perpetuates a stereotype that not onlypushes pressure
on us to succeed so we don't "fail" our culture, butalso puts asian
people who aren't as skilled at certain things.


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