Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 109
Anonymous | nationality: Spanish (living in France)| ethnicity: Vietnamese
I sometimes joke about it with my cousin and a friendof mine who’s
Asian too. I don’t think it’s really an insult. It’slike when we say « the
black people » or « the white girl » you know... everyAsians I know
don’t get offended by it. I guess it’s better than« the Chinese »but
where I am, the use of « yellow » is kinda rare.
I don’t really think we can judge if someone is enoughAsian or not. But
if I may truly speak maybe it’s something about theculture? Like what
if they deny their family’s traditions because ofthe shame of not being
like the majority? I don’t know anymore actually.
meals, family, language, Buddhism.
Well my relation with my ethnicity is kinda neutralto racism. Like,
actually, I’m very lucky I wasn’t too much affectedby it. I remember
though I stopped eating fish eyes because someonesaid it was
disgusting. Also maybe 3 years ago, I was ashamedof what I ate a
home because the others didn’t ate like me, but nowit’s all good, I’m
very proud of it.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Hmmm I remember being mocked on and they would alwaysyell
stereotypes on my face like « do you eat dogs? ».
I think it was the most common stereotype we eversaid to me, from
the kindergarten to even now. I don’t know how itworks but it begins
from a really young age. It’s quite funny. Anothercommon stereotype
was the « ching chang chong » thing. They would stretchtheir eyes and
say so. This expression is not only said in Francebut also in other
countries too and is used by kids and adults. Indeed,I remember calmly
walking in Italy with my family and a man and a womanI think, who
were passing by in motorcycle, did so.
But don’t get me wrong!
These stereotypes aren’t always meant to be harmfulbut are
uncalled-for. Some people would think it’s okay toask, for example, «
do you see like we see? » (in reference of our slantingeyes) and then
stretch their eyes to « looks like » Asian eyes. Thefirst time someone
did so to me I really was chocked I didn’t know whatto do. It’s so
inappropriate I really was dismayed. I could go onon this subject for
hours. There’s so much to say.
A theoretical space without racism.
I think I absolutely wouldn’t be like I am right now..In fact, the
bullying I had in kindergarten and in primary schoolmade me who I

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