Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

am. It kind of forged me. I don’t know if it’s in a better way or not but it
definitely forged me.
I’m ashamed to admid that my Vietnamese has gottenvery bad because
i don’t talk Vietnamese very often. It makes me reallysad. And,
sometimes, when my grandma (who doesn’t talk anythingbut
Vietnamese) talks, I don’t understand everything.
To someone.
Your nose is beautiful, your mouth, your eyes too.You’re beautiful. It’s
not okay to let them say otherwise. Even if the teachers,the people say
« it’s just a joke », if you’re hurt you’re hurt.You don’t need to hide it.
It’s okay if you don’t eat like the others, it’s okayif you’re different, its
okay if you speak another language, it’s okay if you’rea minority. Don’t
be ashamed. You’re not alone.


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