Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 111
Muhammad Shahiran Bin Samsol | 27 | he/him | nationality:Singaporean | ethnicity: Malay/Javanese
I see. Well, asians are definitely not yellow. Asians are like the most
colourful people in the world. Theres ranging frompale white to light
tan to brown to dark skinned. There's some who's redbut that's
probably because of their blood pressure maybe. Idont know. So far no
green or other colours. But i do find it weird whenasians are referred to
as Yellow. Like, india is the majority of asians.And theyre definitely not
anything near to yellow.
That's an interesting question actually. I think ifthey're born in an asian
country, they're asian. Like we have white friendsborn in Singapore too,
we definitely think of him as asian. So I guess it'swhich country you're
born in? Like if I move to a non asian country, i'llstill be asian. But any
children I bring to this world in that country won'tbe. Well that's my
understanding anyway.
Well, I'm considered malay. But on papers, I'm javanesebecause we
follow our dad side. He's javanese. My mum is malay.Javanese are
known to have spiritual history with black magic.So yea, i think it's
cool. No particular emotions or memories about. Butit is cool to scare
others that we can do black magic.(Not really).
Why I think it's cool? I guess because I like horrorstories about ghost
and such. Also growing up watching cartoons doingmagics and stuff.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Theres stereotypes in the asian stereotypes sincetheres different type
of asian. Me beloning to the malay race, we are knownfor being lazy
and like to just chill, like in a bad way. ThoughI am lazy and like to
chill, I think so many others too? Though we are knownmore to be on
the extreme side, I like to think I can be hardworkingwhen need be.
Sometimes a workaholic.
A theoretical space without racism.
In that world, people are more focused on each other'swell being.
Making sure theyre happy. Not thinking about worldlythings,
temporary things, but as a whole, knowing that everyone'stime will
eventually run out. Respecting each other's individualitybut at the
same time taking care of the overall population. Iimagine it'll be a
small village though. If it was a city, it will bereally hard. Maybe unless
it's city filled with those villages. But not everyonehas the heart,
because thats just who they are. But i'll definitelybe happy, even if that
world is smaller than it is now with all the citiesand internet.
Sometimes, simple is all we need I guess.
To someone.

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