Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

but that’s all the more reasons that we should bring the matter to light,
address it and educate ourselves better.
To someone.
dedicated to those far away from home, and unsureof their identity.
"however far the travelling winds
may have carried you,
away from a home
you never got to experience —
please understand, dear child.
for the blood that courses through you
has always been rich
with what others may deny you of being.
gifted with the rights
to claim what is undoubtedly yours.
should you choose to accept it,
only you have the power
to embrace and indulge in your culture —
building an identity so unique and distinctive.
shield yourself from prying eyes;
a plague they are, their harmful whispers.
dearest child, cast your doubts aside.
for the only one with a say
is you, and you alone.
the choice is forever yours to make.
so go forth, little one,
and live your truth.
life is too short
to let such beauty go unexplored."


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