Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 117
Alya | 18 | she/her | nationality: Singaporean | ethnicity:Chinese
Yellow is one of my favourite colours, due to thefact of its association
with joy and sunshine. Personally, i would not careif someone referred
to me as "yellow", but if they're calling me "yellow"with an obvious
intent to be racist or offend me, then that irks me.I'm not too senstive
over labels, but referring to all asians as "yellow"is a result of being
ignorant. Since i am chinese, the "yellow person"label would fit me,
but if you were to label other asians ( includingindians, filipinos,
malays, etc ) as all "yellow" then that doesn't makesense at all. If i had
to be nitpicky, I'd rather be referred to as "Asian"rather than "Yellow".
If i may add, i dont i think i have heard any of myasian friends or
family refer to themselves as "yellow".
The only exceptions are when they are responding tosomeone else call
them "yellow".
I think being asian is more than the colour of myskin or the
characteristics of my physical appearance. Being asianis being able to
relate to certain habits, words, festivities, or evenchildhood
experiences. It's a whole, broad collection of experiencesthat probably
can't even be simply described. Some might argue thatasians born in
countries out of asia aren't asian, but the fact isthat a part of them will
always be asian. I think that if you have Asian DNA,and that you
personally feel connected to the culture ( be it food,festivities,
whatever ), then you can be considered asian.
The most important part of asian culture is the food.Because, it's
different. You don't get authentic asian food anywhere.It's shared at
festivitals, celebrations, or even day to day homemeals. And, it's one of
the things that bring people together.
My ethnicity is Singaporean Chinese, the few wordswould be
"culturally rich/strict but homely/family".
My ethnicity correleates to the word "family" becausethe closest
people to me share the same ethnicity as i do. Myethnicity is the cause
of genetics, but in a sense, i experience all sortsof things that only i
can experience as a result of my ethnicity. I.e chinesenew year,
traditional chinese food, learning the language. Itreminds me of home
because i grew up with all of these. The chinese cultureis rather strict
in a sense whereby i am expected to perform in lifeto a certain degree,
be it in school or other academic areas. Asians arealso more uptight
and formal, if i may say, as compared to other ethnicities.I dont think
my thoughts/feelings to my ethnicity relates to anythingabout racism

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