Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

at all, it is just my genuine thoughts on my ethnicites, without any
intent of addressing racism.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
One stereotype i hate the most is that asians areall smart. In my
opinion its stupid and it irks me, i may get goodgrades but i would
rather be called hardworking than smart. I work countlessof hours just
to get to where i am. stereotypes can be fun, butat the end of day
stereotypes are stereotypes. Take them with a grainof salt, it shouldn't
define anyone.
A theoretical space without racism.
Its a bit hard to envision no racism in this world,but i think there
would be more interracial marriages and people ofdiversity. There
would be less conflict, more celebrations of tradition,and even larger
festival celebrations. I think it's ideal to havea world with no racism,
but I'm also skeptical about it. After all, we havebeen living in a racist
prevalent world for so long.
In Singapore i am part of the majority race, so ihaven't faced much
discrimination. I Just feel that people would be muchkinder and more
My ethnicity usually doesnt come up in conversationswith other
ethnicities, but one thing negative that i have nevertalked about is
that i dislike how religious chinese funerals arecarried out. It makes
me sound ungrateful and disrespectful, but personallyi don't like the
prolonged event. Other than that i would say im prettyproud to be
born in asia and raised as a chinese girl, but I'mnot one to parade
around telling everyone i meet about my pride.
If i had to choose something to change it would beto change the
xenophobia in my country. Singapore is known to bemultiracial and
harmonious, but with Chinese as the majority race,racism is still
prevalent. They discriminate against the foreign workers,usually from
Bangladeshi, which is terrible. I think this needsto stop.
To someone.
To people of races, be proud. Be kind to yourself,and be kind to others.
We're all human, and we all have a heart, we all havea brain.
Appreciate your culture, appreciate your ethnicity,the colour of your
skin, your eyes, your hair.


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