Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 119
Anonymous | nationality & ethnicity: Chinese/Singaporean
Yellow kind of reminds me of being called a banana,how you look
chinese on the outside but on the inside you act likea white person,
something that happens a lot when you grow up in westernparts of
the world. Also those really cheap comics you canget from shops and
they have the caricature of east asian people witha bright yellow skin
tones and stereotypical asian features that as a kidmost of my
community didnt realise as racism.
I think it differs based on who you are asking, aasian grandma will
have a different opinion from non asian folks.
Most non asians escribe asians as people who comefrom asian descent
and have what people think are asian traits and featuresto determine
if that person is asian passing.
However if you ask asian grandparents or adults theywill usually talk
about how western asians arent asians as they dontpractice their
traditional culture like speaking native languagesor having traditional
beliefs, enjoying traditional foods.
Conservative, strict, angry, fun, apathetic.
Perhaps the lack of progression to include the changesaround the
world. My culture chooses to vehemently deny the thingsexisting
outside of its bubble. I feel that it makes it lookmore intimidating and
the lack of progress does not reflect the changingworld around us.
Everyone is so content with how it is now and doesnot choose to
improve it despite many benefits in doing so.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Definitely not someone who sits idly and let thingspass, when I see
someone doing something wrong I call them out. I'mnot a hard worker
and definitely not a scholar, I like to do thingsat my own pace and
move along slowly.
A theoretical space without racism.
My first thoughts would definitely be that there wouldbe certainly a lot
less people incriminated unfairly now. Everyone coexisting without any
unconscious bais, meritocracy actually working nowthat people can
prove themselves to be beyond their assigned raceand with their own
skills. However there will still be other prejudicesthat people will still
bank on but it will certainly not be as bad as itis right now. I feel that
due to this change people can more easily eradicateother prejudices
against people of different genders or sexualitiesas they can use the
lack of racism to prove hypocritical beliefs.

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