Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Canadian | ethnicity: Chinese
I don’t feel great being associated with the word.It reminds me of
times in the past where “yellow fever” was mentionedas casual jokes.
It’s supposed to be a cheerful colour representingjoy, but with context
and association, I feel uncomfortable with the word.
I think having an Asian background is one thing but,being a part of
shared experiences with other Asians even if you’redissociated with
your Asian heritage can mean Asian culture. Of courseAsia is a diverse
continent with different ethnic groups, but to theimmigrants or who
are not familiar to their culture, this gives thema way to associate.
Chinese, connected (to my ethnicity), conflict (asI’m born and raised in
I chose “Chinese” since that’s my ethnicity. “Connected” because I
understand the culture and am constantly trying tolearn more.
“Conflict” because I feel as I’ll never true alignwith the Chinese or
Canadian side, they both influence my life and I willnever experience
either side fully. I think these feelings stem fromthe environment
around me, of how I never talked about my cultureand suppressed it in
front of friends in school. How I can’t communicatefully in Chinese
with my family. I feel like it is not a response toracism but rather a
negative consequence of racism.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I’m not smart, I’m not on top of my grades. Nor amI shy or introverted,
I’m rather outgoing and loud. My only thought on Asianstereotypes is
we might feel obligated to fulfill them or make funof them. That is
harmful to people who might or might not fit thatstereotype.
A theoretical space without racism.
I think that’s a very great idea though impossibleas long as the human
emotion of greed or hate exist, that was my initialthought. If that were
to happen, I think people will be living under fearof offending people
all the time, it’s under strict regulations that aspace can truly stay free
from racism. I think if the space had no racism, Iwouldn’t be scared to
strive for my wildest dreams and other minoritieswouldn’t have to fear
harm from racism. I think I would be motivated asthere would be more
opportunities to motivate me.
One big thing is my name. I have a chinese name thatis my legal name
and an English name and most people know me as myEnglish name.
It’s weird how even if someone asks for my name, Iautomatically say
my English one. Even when they ask for my legal name,I spell it out


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