Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Chinese, with American greencard | ethnicity: Asain (Chinese)
When others say yellow, people definitely think aboutAsians as a
whole but the thing is there are other color otherthan yellow in the
Asian community itself so it shouldn’t be a colorthat we should be
seen as.
But calling someone by their color is racist to beginwith.
If ur parents/ancestors r Asians
In my opinion You can be a percentage Asian if forexample your dad is
white but your mom is Asian
Asian have nothing to do with where you’re born, it’sabout the blood
To me my perception of ethnicity includes facts ofgenetics and culture
but also combined with influences around me. Societalnorms and
stereotypes of ethnicity is a big factor in thoseinfluences, I believe
those perceived factors are negative whether consideredpositive or
A theoretical space without racism.
I don’t think it is possible for a place with no racismat all. Because
everyone is a bit biased even if you don’t noticeit. So I cant even
imagine a place when no racism at all. Racism is kindalike a part of our
life (like minor ones happens everyday) so in a way,I don’t think the
world can function with our racism as a whole.


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