Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

personality (looking at you, Harvard). I’m not even sure what to say to
that. How is personality generalized by race. Behavioralstereotypes
may encourage children to imitate what they see isperpetrated of
people like them. But most grow out of it. The problemis that those
stereotypes become the lasting image to others whoaren’t Asian.
A theoretical space without racism.
I...really can’t wrap my mind around what a worldlike that would be
like. Racism seems to be a product of schematization,which is an
intrinsic part of how our minds work. I guess that,IF somehow, our
brains no longer processed information through schemas,race would
just no longer be one of the first things we use toassess a person.
Personality, achievements, trajectory. I think itwouldn’t feel magically
different or better. So much of the racism today issubtle things. It
would just be a disappearance of those nuances fromthe back of my
mind. The world would continue as it mostly is.
I can’t stand the social attitude of mainland ChinThere’sa prevalent
materialism culture and obsession with vanity andappearances.
Doctors are now one of the dangerous professions dueto the high
number of murders at the hospital by family membersof patients.
There are countless people who flee instead of payingafter treatment,
leaving hospital workers no choice but to supplantthe cost themselves.
There are the incidents from a few years past whereelderly people
would lie on the street, waiting until someone helpedthem up before
grabbing and accusing the helper of injuring themin order to extort
huge amounts of money. Children are now taught toignore those on
the street who appear to be in need of medical assistance.I can’t help
but feel disgusted when I think about everything.The people’s attitudes
go against everything China traditionally values.What happened to
upholding honor, dignity, and community?
I can’t think of notable instances where I regretletting something slide
without saying anything. I’ve been fortunate enoughto grow up in a
community of open-minded people who were always mindfuland
conscious of these things. In regards to society,I can concede that
labels and grouping people into races is somethingthat will probably
always exist. I’ve seen claims that race is a socialconstruct, but
regardless of whether it is or not, it’s likely hereto stay. And that’s fine.
Being part of a group or collective is often whatshapes our identities.
There’s nothing wrong about that. What we should bemore cognizant
of is to not use these groups and differences to alienateothers, and to
not antagonize or treat “otherness” with hostility.Maybe that’s what we
should be striving for as a society.

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