Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 125
Sharifa A. | 20 | she/her | nationality: Indonesian| ethnicity: South East Asian
Obviously the first thought I had to the word yellowwere things like
happiness, joy and friendship, because that's whatthat color means to
me personally. But when I think about what it meansto me as an Asian,
I find that I use it alot to refer to myself and othersas Asians. I joke to
my friends about him being a "banana" because hesAsian and "yellow"
but he acts white (yellow on the outside, white onthe inside) and how I
use it for me too, but I'm not only yellow. I sometimesrefer to myself as
a brown girl, because well, I am. And I don't takeit personally if
someone thinks I'm yellow or brown, because my skintone is just my
skin (possibly because I dont live as a minority whereI'm from) but its
wrong to define all Asians as "yellow-skinned", have you never
heard of undertones?! hahaha.
Being a biology major, I truly believe that beingAsian just means you
have Asian blood, but I also realize that Asia ismore than just ethnicity,
it's a whole culture that anyone can experience andbe a part of.
Participating in the culture doesnt make you Asian,but it helps you
understand what it really means to be Asian andwhat it means to
have Asian blood. I think anyone of Asian decent isallowed to call
themselves Asian, but they should also understandthat just because
you are Asian doesnt mean you cant appropriate itor mistreat it. Same
goes for non-Asians brought up in Asian countries,they should
understand that they arent Asian but that doesnt meanthey cant love
and appreciate the culture more than an Asian.
It's kind of hard because I dont really like the peopleof my country
HAHA but the culture would be: Diverse, Traditional,Warm, Simple,
Supernatural and Underrated. I'm from Indonesia, andwe're one of the
largest archipelagos in the world and we dont getenough credit for it!
We have a diverse ecosystem with animals and plantsthat cant be
found anywhere else. The words like traditional andwarm are for the
intricacy and strong roots to my culture, this includesfood, architecture
and history. I used to avoid the supernatural partbecause I'm a scaredy
cat but, I have to admit that the deities and spiritsare a really, really
big part of my culture but it's also really tabooto speak of.
I used to hate my culture because it was so traditionaland really
primitive, we've only been an independent countryfor 70 years, so that
might be why HAHA but now I see us as a country thathas the
potential to grow further, if we learn to utilizewhat we have already
(instead of adopting other cultures). I have a love-haterelationship
with being Indonesian I guess hahaha.

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