Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

I think how I describe my ethnicity is more or less based on what I,
myself, appreciate about it. Because there so muchmore to it,
especially the society. Most people consider me tobe weird or unusual
because I never really fit into the norm of "Indonesian",I was influenced
more by outside mindsets, including racism, so I cantsay that there are
too many ties to my ethnicity. However, it's alsodifficult knowing that
my country is inherently racist, to anybody who isntthe majority and
for me to be a part of that majority makes me understandthat I may
not understand how racist I could be or am.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I consider myself more on the "open-minded" spectrum,because I
believe in freedom to be religious or not be religious,I'm an LGBTQ+
ally, and I'm generally more accepting to any "deviations"of the norm.
To be honest, I'm not even sure where the Asian stereotypescome
from... I know there are several ancient societieswho understand (and
still use) concepts like the non-binary gender soit's really confusing to
me where it comes from. Of course, personally thereare some things
that I can relate to in Asian stereotypes, becausethere are ways I've
been brought up that make sense to me and havent reallybecome an
issue in my life, but I dont think of it as a stereotype,because the part
where a certain method or mindset is turned into astereotype to
generalise an entire ethnicity, is when it becomesdangerous.
A theoretical space without racism.
I think a space without racism just looks like a normalhomogeneous
society. The way we act without racism is the waywe act with people
who "look" like us. We wouldnt associate a superiorityor inferiority to
someone's race, instead just appreciating a personbecause of their
Words like "stereotype" and "Asian"
they come to mind because as a majority, I dont reallyhave to talk
about any disparities that other Asians might go through,or what I
would go through if I were a minority and probablyanything related to
not being religious, since it's really looked downupon.


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