Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 129
I wouldn't have to carry pepper spray when I walk around by myself in
town, my teachers wouldn't tell me they expected better of me when
they hand back tests with 80s, I don't get weird DMsfrom strangers
calling me 'exotic', the jobs I apply to pick basedon qualifications and
achievements and not a generalized idea of me basedon my last name.
I wish that there wasn't such a regard for asian countriesas
"controlling" or "brainwashed" such that I can't feelproud of it. In some
ways, people are right to criticize these countries'governments for
being controlling, but doing so excessively beginsto put a negative
light on the people and culture as well, until itbecomes hard for
people like me to feel proud of my heritage.

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