Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Sara Kang | 21 | she/her | nationality: American |ethnicity: 2nd generation Asian-American
Yellow. Short answer? Hm. Ugh.
Long answer? I never really cared for the color. Exceptthe cute yellow
coat I have in my closet right now. But it's definitelynot a favorite color.
That used to be a frequent racial term when I wasin younger, middle
school to be exact. When you're a kid, you don't knowany better, and
middle school is one of the worst places to be exposedto new things
imo. "Yellow" was always used as a joke to refer toAsian kids like me. I
don't even remember how I first heard someone usingthat color as
reference to Asian skin. It just naturally happenedwhen you're
surrounded by a predominantly white neighborhood inearly 2000s.
The funny thing is? I remember hearing it from Asiankids the most. I
was never bullied about it. But still. It makes meuncomfortable when I
think about it. "Yellow fever" is the second associationwith "yellow" for
me. It doesn't help that one of the first videos Iwatched on YouTube
was a comedy skit on yellow fever. I didn't know whatit was and how it
related to the fetishization of Asians, girls specifically.Apparently
"yellow" is used as a slang term now to refer someoneas their beloved,
their happiness. "You are my yellow." Yeah, it's a social media thing and
you can confirm on Urban Dictionary, an obviouslyreliable internet
source. I never liked how the color yellow is used.Imagine if your
non-Asian lover said that to you, the Asian partner.Nope, I don't think
so. At least for me.
To stop being Asian is to simple stop being Asian.Your identity can't
change just as genetics or your blood can't so there'sthat. For me,
anyone who has Asian blood is Asian period. Anyonewho doesn't and
claims to be seems like culture appropriation. Sorrybut definitely not
sorry. If you're an Asian who less immersed into theculture than others,
that's fine. As long as you don't disregard it andthink of Asian culture
as "lower" then who cares if you're "Asian enough."The Asian
community is brought together because of our Asianidentity. It's our
collective understanding and pride of being Asianis what brings us
together. It's the sense of "We are Asian and thatis okay."
My ethnicity is Korean. Culturally and geneticallythrough and through
all my life in a Korean house and Korean family. Describingmy
ethnicity? Similar, different, best, worst, and identity.Now let me
explain: these words applies to everyone else in theworld who is not
Korean lmao. I honestly don't have any strong feelingsin regards to my
Korean identity except for the fact that that is whoI am and how I grew
up. You know how there are these boxed frozen assortedcheesecakes?


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