Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 131
There might be a chocolate slice, or a strawberry one. But all the slices
are still cheesecake. Ethnicity is like that for me.Korean is just a
different flavor that I happen to be and like :)
(I've already kind of explained my choice in thosewords in the previous
answer so I think it would redundant to say it againin different words
As for this particular question, my exposure to myKorean ethnicity was
always through family and culture. I didn't need society'sperception of
Asians to define what my culture was to me. It wasalways neutral. Now
of course I had insecurities about being Asian ina predominantly white
area, but that's a separate thing on its own. Ethnicityis a neutral matter
just as race is. Let's be honest; it doesn't hurtanyone. Unfortunately
racists don't see it in that way.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Sometimes I feel like everything, anything, I do isa stereotype. I have
gotten into a car accident before. In the eyes ofa prejudiced stranger,
they would've noticed my clear Asian complexion andassumed for the
worst. Is it because I'm Asian that I'm a bad driver?Absolutely not. For
the record, it wasn't my fault. Some guy ignored astop sign. The
unfortunate victim happened to be me at the time.Anywayz if that
were really the case, then all the drivers in my areawould all be Asian.
For me, I do feel like I do fit into some stereotypesthough. I have been
conditioned to focus in STEM for the majority (notall) my life, I do like
rice, and I have relatively small eyes. But all ofthat is because of my
upbringing. Sure it might be stereotypes but whatswrong with it? I
can't change my genetics to have bigger eyes nor wouldI deny the
paranoia of my parents regarding a more economically/stablelifestyle
of someone who is involved in STEM.

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