Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 135
felt guilty about not pursuing more STEM subjects in school. Even
though it's never been explicitly mentioned, it makesme feel like a
"fake Asian". I'm not going to pursue STEM, becauseI think doing things
I'm passionate about is more important than fulfillingthan bending to
other's expectations, but the guilt still persistssometimes.
A stereotype I shared similarities with would be strictparents. I'd say
it's pretty common in Asian families. My parents don'tlet me stay out
too late, and they demand the phone numbers of everyoneI go out
with. I guess they're measures to keep me safe, butit's really frustrating
and embarrassing, and I want more freedom.
Another one would be the "academic Asian". I definitelyput a lot of
pressure on myself to do well in school. This hasto do with both my
family's expectations, my own expectations, as wellas my peers around
me. Because I live in a predominately Asian community,many of my
peers play into this stereotype as well. Nobody says,"you're doing well
because you're Asian", but it feels like this silentpressure as an Asian
person, to get good grades. I'm not a fan of thisstereotype, because it
contributes to shaming people for asking for help.
I guess I could say I relate to the submissive andinnocent stereotype?
Definitely not sexually, I'm too young for that!!!But I tend to be
excitable and enthusiastic around my friends, likea little kid. I have
"babey energy", my friends say, and I don't mind beingbabied either.
And I'm definitely more of a followers than a leader.I don't think Asian
stereotypes, or stereotypes in general played a partin my personality.
A theoretical space without racism.
I think I'd be a happier person. More comfortablein my skin, if I had
grown up seeing people who looked like me being celebratedand
successful. More comfortable around my classmatestoo—I've never
really had racism directed at me, but high schoolcan be the worst
sometimes. Maybe I'd have a stronger connection tomy Asian heritage
too; instead of dismissing celebrating traditionsand learning Chinese,
I'd find value in it. And this is such a small thing,but I feel like I'd have
more of an online presence. Maybe a tumblr for mywriting, a tiktok for
stupid dances, an instagram for my drawings. Becausethe most
prominent creators in the world are white. The lackof representation
made me feel like I wouldn't get anywhere if I didstart, so why bother?
In a world without racism, maybe I'd feel like theworld was mine to
carve a path in, instead of being someone watchingcars pass by on the
side of the road.
I think the world in general would be a happier placewithout racism.
People wouldn't have to die because of the colourof the skin, crime
would be lower, the environment would be healthier.I'm not saying

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