Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality & ethnicity: Indian
Yellow seems to be more used towards non south Asians,south Asians
like myself we refer to ourselves as brown people.I don’t have a have
many negative emotions towards being called brown,it’s just a normal
term like white people or black people.
Asian means anyone who’s born in Asia or has closefamily (parents etc)
from Asia. Anyone from that can relate to that cancall themselves
Asians. I think our culture is what brings Asianstogether, we’re
different from every other cultures and we carry alot of generations of
events. Our upbringing also brings us together, wecan relate to how
we’re allowed to do certain things and how we can’tdo some things
that most of our friends might be doing.
Indian, brown, south Asian, typically traditionalistculture, family
oriented driven, colonized by Britain.
It’s a mix of outside influence and my perception.The racism I have
towards my own culture/ ethnicity is definitely influencedby other
people around me or online, mostly online. I’m ashamedof my Indian
accent because of the memes surrounding it, and Ispeak in an
American accent around everyone that’s not my immediatefamily. None
of my friends knew I had an accent until recently.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think I used to be an Asian stereotype throughoutmost if not all of
my school years. The smart nerdy good grades kid thatpeople copied
homework of. I think Asian stereotypes aren’t as badas other
stereotypes. It’s annoying that everyone just hasan expectation for me
to be good at tech or good at math. Most annoyingpart is that people
sometimes don’t even believe I’m an Asian, I’ve heard“I will bet you $5
that India isn’t in asia” when i said I was Asianto someone who asked
my race.
A theoretical space without racism.
In a world without racism I’d walk outside my housefeeling safer than
usual, I’m a girl but that’s a different issue. Iwear the hijab, and I’ve
always been told to not wear all black, always smile,don’t be rude. As I
got older I understood that’s not just because it’sgood manners, it’s
also for my own safety. There’s a trump2020 sign stillin front of my
neighbors front yard, and stuff like that is terrifying.
When I was younger I moved to a new country and everythingwas new.
There were many people who would ask me about my religion,race |
ethnicity. A kid on the bus asked me what I am, race,and I replied


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