Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 139
asian. I said India, Asia. He told me that he would bet me $5 that India
isn’t in Asia. Of all the interactions I’ve had todeal with regarding my
race that one still bugs me. I wish people would understandthat Asian
aren’t all Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc.. south Asiansare just as
important. I feel as though south Asians like Indians,Philippine,
Bengalis etc need more representation and acknowledgmentso people
would take us seriously as Asians.
To someone.
If I could say anything to a younger me, I’d say thatpretending you’re
white isn’t worth it, all it does is makes you havean identity crisis and
you regret it in the future. Embrace your cultureand yourself, educate
people around you, your clothes and food aren’t weirdthey’re different
and amazing.

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