Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality & ethnicity: Filipino
Aside from 'yellow' being a personal favorite color,the first thing I
think of would actually be East Asians. I don't reallyknow how the
association came to be but from what I learned fromsocial media,
'yellow' is often used as a racial term for representingAsians though I
don't see many people using it either. I do say EastAsians in partciular
though because 'yellow' doesn't reflect well withthe entire scope of
Asians like Southeast Asians like myself since weget mistaken as other
races too.
Personally, I think being "Asian" goes beyond a geographicalbasis and
is rather dependent to if a person is raised by andlives out an Asian
culture. It is our rich culture that ties other Asianstogether too.
However, there are a lot of factors to consider withidentifying as an
Asian such as family ethnical origin, national origin,cultural practices
and lifestyle. To me, a person who simply carriesout the Asian culture
they grew up with can call themselves Asian regardlessif they are of
Asian descent as well or not. On the other hand, ifa person completely
neglects the Asian traditions they are accustomedto or simply pretends
to be of Asian origin (cultural appropriation), thenI don't think they are
entitled to call themselves Asian.
If I were to focus on the broad Asian ethnicity ,I guess I'd describe it as
diverse, culturally rich, and large (in population).There are so many
similarities between these ethnic groups but at thesame time there are
also differences between them as well that I haveyet to witness
firsthand. As a Filipino though, I feel like the bestway to describe my
ethnicity would be that it is heavily influenced byother cultures but
shaped into our own. While we may have our own uniquepractices and
traditions, our cultural heritage is binded by theinfluence of foreign
countries that colonized us. Sometimes, I feel conflictedsince the
Filipino culture seemingly blends in with other culturesbecause we
easily get influenced by the world around us especiallywith media.
Even so, I also want to say that the Asian ethnicityas a whole is also
united in a sense that we somewhat share experiencesour day-to-day
I guess my choice of words is based on personal judgementif what I
see or observe from other people also aligns withwhat I believe my
ethnicity is about. In a way, I guess it's influencedby how others
understand my ethnicity too but I know I'm not theonly one who
relates with how I described it. Even if my wordsmat not really say


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