Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

they don't mean it when it comes to me, which confuses me. I'm slowly
starting to get comfortable in india after feelingI wasn't a "real" Indian.
Luckily, my brother never had to face that even thoughhe's born in the
us, because we came back before he started his schooling.
I generally am a bit ashamed of my north Indian rootsbecause the
colourism, sexism, and most bad traits I feel indiahas is rampant there.
This might be because I live in South India whereI don't see these as
much, but whenever I go to meet my extended family,I'm not allowed
to go out of the house as much, and my grandmothersdon't like me
going out into the sun so I don't ruin my medium complexion.So,
colourism. I don't believe in such things, havinggrown up with people
of all skin colours, and thus I don't really likegoing there and have
made my views clear on such topics, which makes moreorthodox
people think of me as spoilt and too reliant on modernmedia.
But overall, I'm really proud of being Indian. Weas a country are so
diverse, and it still astonishes me that I just haveto go to the next
state to experience a way of life that is so differentfrom my own.
I feel that having lived in different places in sucha short time span
gave me the ability to judge what was appropriateand what wasn't.
Even if I had a disadvantage initially, it helpedme see different
worldviews and thus helps me relate to everyone muchbetter and thus
I can empathise with them when needed, which is anability I am often
appreciated for. However, being a South indian (causeI have lived in
South India for 10+ years) makes me more alienatedfrom others who
are north Indian and I know a little about each culturebut not enough
(because both differ HEAVILY). However, that's somethingI have seen is
common in my generation, so I don't worry as much.
Also, being a north Indian originally opens me todifferent forms of
prejudices against migrants from my region who havesettled here, and
thus I am able to think about why it is so and ithelps me learn more
about the world. For example, while I do believe thatthere are many
migrants who have settled here, I do not believe thatthey're the only
reason this city is not as good as before.
Also, living in the us made me develop a differentway of thinking from
children here, as the study methods are very different,and thus I adopt
things only after thinking about them. For example,religion. I've been
brought up by a huge devotee and an atheist, and Ifind myself
somewhere between the two. However, religion playsa big part of my
life, because of all the festivals and everything.
I feel that people who have been brought up in thesame manner as me
will be less racist, because they're exposed to somany different kinds


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