Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 145
of people, and thus don't believe in the different sections society has
divided us in. But that's just my viewpoint. MaybeI do seem racist to
someone, but I try my best not to.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
The common one, which is that all Asians are goodat math, was SO
not true for me when I got back to India. In the usI believe it was that
my level was above the level I was taught, so I wasa star student
despite the fact that I did homework for like fifteenminutes a day.
Maths was pretty tough for me in the beginning, asI got to higher
levels, but it all settled down in 8th standard whenI got a teacher who
explained everything so well that it was impossiblefor me not to
understand. With that, began my love for math. My dad had already
fostered a knack for physics in me, so there was that.I naturally loved
biology. Chemistry was also a favourite subject, butI had to struggle to
get good marks, despite my fascination. So I guessin that term, I was
smart haha. But I've always attributed it to the factthat we've been so
hard on ourselves academically for generations, andit's done
something to our information capacity and retention.
To me, they're quite harmful because I knew many Asianswho weren't
actually good at math, and they were made fun of becausethey
weren't, which is stupid.
And for me, personally, though I never faced it, itwas the Indians
always smell like curry and our traditions like thebindi. I can't fathom
why anyone would bring that up lol.
To me, stereotypes affected me as in they raised everyone's
expectations of me, and when I got into the giftedprogram, it was seen
as something that was long due rather than somethingamazing. So I
did not get enough acknowledgment of my achievementsfrom when I
was young, so it's difficult for me to accept praiseas in it goes to my
head completely.
A theoretical space without racism.
I guess if there was no racism, I would be happy tosee more dark skin
representation in media. Dark-skinned Indians, despitebeing a
majority, are vastly underrepresented because theydo not fit the
western fashion we have adopted. I wouldn't have tohear people
telling my friend she was pretty for someone who darkskin (she's
gorgeous and I believe her skin colour just enhancesit). As for me, I'd
be the same. I live in my home country, where we'rethe majority, so I
can't really see much of a difference. But I wouldlove to live in a world
like that, where we don't have stereotypes of eachperson based on
what they look like.

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