Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

The thing I told you about me being a little angry towards my native
south indian friends for saying that North Indians are ruining their city
is something I've only ever told my mother in passing.To me, being
Indian has made sure that I don't find differencesunusual, because
they're so common here.
When I was in the us, I had it pointed out to me multipletimes that the
reason I was so smart was because I was an Indian,and indians are
naturally smart. That made me feel lesser about myachievements, and
I wish now that I'd gone and told them that it wasn'ttrue, not all
indians are smart just like how nationality doesn'tdetermine your
intelligence or anything. I am proud of my countrybut at the same
time, I hate how backward we are in certain aspects,like how lighter
skin tones are praised for something they couldn'tcontrol, or how
sexist some people are. I've had my grandmother oncetell me that I
should allow my brother to take his favourite foodfrom my plate just
because he finished his, or that I should let himhit me so that he can
calm down and not make a big mess.
To someone.
My nationality is Indian and I guess so is my ethnicity?If I'm wrong,
then can you please tell me what ethnicity reallymeans? I just
assumed it refers to the culture you grew up in, ratherthan the one
where you were born.


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