Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 149
the ones who are Japanese are almost all half, and don’t speak the
language. I’m a little envious of those who are ableto chat with other
Asians with the same language, and have shared experiences.
Actually! I’ve just been watching the Great BritishBaking Show... I’m
currently watching the “Japanese Week” episode onthe newest season-
what great timing.
I think this is episode is a great demonstration ofAsian generalization
(not sure if it can be called racist?). Despite beingcalled Japanese
week, contestants used generally Asian ingredients-some highlighting
completely Indian or Chinese flavors in their cooking.
I’m watching this episode with my mouth open (it isplaying as I’m
typing haha). I think I’m especially taking it personallyas someone
who’s Japanese, but it puts a massive question markabove my head as
to how people can stick so closely to contest briefsin other challenges,
while completely missing the brief in this challenge,using all Indian
ingredients when the brief is specifically “Japanese”(not to mention I
don’t think the judges pointed it out, even once).
I actually realized the episode indeed has been a“controversy” since it
has aired in early November(?) this year. As thosewho argue against it
being “problematic” say, I agree that multiculturaland experimental
cooking should be encouraged and celebrated in ourincreasingly
globalized world. However, it honestly astonishesme that the ideas for
this episode passed without any raised eyebrows.
My question is, why not just call it Asian week? It’strue that many
Asian cultures share similar flavors and cooking methods.Trying to
specify “Japanese” in the title while having contestantssimply make
vaguely Asian dishes highlights the fact that thelargely Caucasian cast
had absolutely no idea of what the Japanese cuisinethey were trying to
replicate consisted of. The absolute lack of researchand responsibility
left me with a really bitter taste in my mouth. Itupsets me to see one
of my favorite shows so blatantly demonstrate theirignorance in this
To someone.
For the last question; Although I know there are manytensions
between Asians of different nationalities, I reallyhope that as
individuals, we can band together to rally towardsan easier world for
people of color to live in. I’m really glad that althoughour exact
cultures may differ slightly, Asians (especially inthe U.S.) have sort of
found an identity of our own. I hope that as my generationgrows older,
we can lead towards a more accepting and equal world,maybe inching
towards that hypothetical “world without racism”.

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