Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 151
I think of my dad excited to eat the food from the Thai New Years
festival we went, and my mum overwhelming excitementwhen going
Ghana for the first time after decades of begging.
As much as ethnicity can separate us - and of coursethe appropriation
of ones culture causes sever tension. I hardly thinkabout these
negativities when I think about my own ethnicity.For me there’s a
warm feeling of home at the thought of it - or atleast the closest thing
I can get to it. It’s a special sanctum in my lifethat comforts me.
Hmmm I think a few years ago my response would havebeen
illustrated as a negative effect of racism but tbhI don’t think so. I
refused to allow wire supremacy control my own thoughtsand
character in such a way.
But DEFINETLY my perception of ethnicity is somethingI learnt as a
second generation immigrant in the west.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Firstly I’m black so that shoots most stereotypes,I don’t like rice
everyday. I’m not studying accounting or medicineat university. I wasn’t
the smartest at high school and I can’t play gameswell for the life of
Stereotypes are often split into two categories: (1)made and used by
those in the community (2) made and used by thosewho aren’t.
Often I don’t follow either and in the past that mademe insecure - I
felt like I had to prove I was Asian. Now I don’tthink about them at all,
I know better c:
A theoretical space without racism.
It’s difficult to imagine a world without racism becauseit’s so engrained
in our society - everywhere. Thus I can’t imagine what I’d do. If
anything I wouldn’t be afraid about visiting placesas my blackness
makes me anxious to as anti blackness is global.
Hmm I don’t usually tell people that I feel a lotmore closer to my Thai
side but I feel alienated at the same time becauseI’m black
The racism I face in Thailand sets my anxiety off
Also people need to stop using phrases like bananaand Oreo
We can never be white
It’s just a phrase used to make other ‘authentic’Asians or Africans feel
better. Just because someone has adopted western cultureespecially
If they live in the west - DOESNT mean they aren’tany less their
Also west Asians; India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etcare Asian countries
too - the cultures very much cross over as well.

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