Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Throughout my childhood I’ve seen white men fetishise my mum and
aunts. From snide comments to full out asking if they’re prostitutes so
they can fuck them. I wish I was old enough to bothunderstand what
was going on and beat their ass
I wish I could protect my mum from a lot of the shitshe goes through -
especially with the Covid-19 outbreak she’s been harassedall the time
at work (she’s a bus driver) people telling her togo back to her fuckingn
country and so on.
To someone.
Umm I think what I’ll end this on is that - don’tlet people decide who
you are. You don’t need to eat rice everyday or eattapioca or be pale to
be Asian. Don’t let these stereotypes rule you.


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