Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Wong | 23 | she/her | nationality: Malaysian | ethnicity:Chinese (Cantonese)
I would feel confused as not all asian skins are exactlyyellow. But it
does remind me a phrase used in Malaysia towards chineseraces who
could not speak in their mother tongue. It's called'banana' as it means
you are yellow on the outside but white in the inside.
As some parents would send their children to publicschools that
chinese need not be learned, this leads to them unableto write or read
in chinese. Some even could not understand or speakchinese at all.
All the authentic culture, apperance and backgroundis what
constitutes an asian.
My ethnicity is cantonese. The language is loud andclassic as the hong
kong movies were the trend in the days. It also mayappear rude to
others as there are a lot of foul vocabulary inside.However, it just give
us the character.
I have chosen those words because in comparison tothe usual Chinese
speaking manner, which is more soft and polite (Notto mention the
lack of rude vocabulary), cantonese for me is louder.I have done a fun
demonstration with my friends whereby i spoke in differentdialects
and languages (e.g. Hakka, chinese, cantonese, english, malay,
japanese), they all generally agreed cantonese gaveme a gangster
However, my cantonese-speaking mannerism could alsobe an
influence of the hong kong movies back in the 90sthat i watched as
the censorship was not enforced back in the days.
My parents rarely speak in such mannerism, only withthe occasionally
slip-of-the-tongue. However, they did teach me tonot speak this way
I do not think that my way of thinking is influencedby racism but by
comparison of the speaking mannerism between otherlanguages and
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I'm someone who have my own flaws and constantly strugglingto be
better everyday. One stereotype that I dislike is'asian being the model
minority' which makes me feel like asians are strippedoff from making
mistakes, resulting them to have an invisible benchmarkwithin
themselves that they have to achieve. This makes mefeel afraid of
making mistakes. And every mistake i make will sendmy self-esteem
down to the dumps.
Another asian stereotype is the submissiveness ofasian women. They
are expected to behave in a docile and obedient manner.For me, I'm

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