Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

I don’t think I would have done anything different. I think I would me a
bit more talkative, or less shy, but other than that,I think I would’ve
stayed the same.
In this hypothetical, I think my first thoughts would’vebeen about the
weight lifting off my shoulders. In a world whereracism doesn’t exist,
all of the pressure that I felt not only from thestereotypes, but also the
racism and hate crimes committed against Asians wouldbe lifted.
I just wanted to say that even if I love Asia withall my heart, it’s just
like every other country on earth. It has its upswith its beautiful
culture, but it’s also has its downs with currentevents.
Governments in Asia aren’t always the best, and canbe corrupt,
concerns involving weather or war in Asia. It’s prettybad.
These topics are really touchy, but even though Iwouldn’t speak on it
now, I would like to at some point.
And just have a conversation about it.
I kind of want to clear up about a joke that’s commonlyused against
Asian people.
A lot of people in my life have made the “eating catsand dogs” joke,
and not only had it gotten annoying, but it’s alsoreally disheartening.
I’ve seen awful generalization of how all Asians eathouse pets and
how all Asians eat weird food and things like thatand this stereotype
really hurts because I love animals. I don’t likehearing about them
getting hurt. I could be seen as hypocritical becauseI’m not a
vegetarian or a vegan, but that’s the thing, justbecause I eat meat, it
doesn’t mean I like to see animals suffer. Some peoplein Asia eat
house pets because they live in extreme poverty, andanimals like cats
and dogs are readily available. I’m not completelyagainst it when that’s
their last resort to feed themselves and their family,but I am against
the people who go out of their way to kidnap housepets and animals
on the street by the handful, and torture the animalsbefore cooking
them—and this is only a small portion of Asia. NotEVERY Asian has
eaten a dog, not EVERY Asian wants to eat a dog. Peoplelike that are in
the minority, and a lot of people don’t really understandthat. It’s
already bad enough that animals like that get torturedthroughout their
lives, and then to be tortured again before gettingcooked. I don’t want
to be grouped into actual animal abusers. And neitherdo other
Asians—or people in general. Idk if that will clearthings up for others,
but hopefully they at least understand my frustration.
To someone.
I just want to tell anyone that racism happens everywhere,in every
country. Whether it’s small acts of racism or a completehate crime.

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