Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 161
being able to answer every question without googling. I'm not
religious, so the only large impactful event/festivalI celebrate in a year
is Chinese New Year! TLDR; proud, interested, embarassedof not
knowing enough, cny!
I think my perception of ethnicity is largely influencedby my
surroundings - living in a place with chinese majorityyet also regularly
interacting with friends from other races let me seehow other people
live. At the same time, while I consider myself notvery culturally
knowledgeable, it is somewhat more than my currentsurroundings,
which is pretty cool, I guess. I would definitelyhave a different outlook
on my ethnicity if I were to live in a country whereI am a minority,
especially if my believes and morals were to be metwith racism. While
I am lucky to not have to encounter that, I do thinkit would be harder
to be proud of my culture, and am very fortunate tobe able to stay in a
place where I do not get discriminated against oversomething like skin
colour or ethnicity.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I believe that stereotypes are easy and lazy waysto categorise large
groups of people into easily digestible lumps of differentpeople,
watering down individuality and cultures. I am notan academic but a
creative, and I would say that while I am hardworkingI do
procrastinate too, everyone's human! For being ofyellow skin, people
overseas always assume I live in china, and havingto explain the
difference is ridiculous in this day and age. Englishis also my first
language (mandarin my second) and I communicate 95%of my day in
english. It's silly and interesting to see how peoplecan understand how
a stereotype can be untrue, yet keep asking and notunderstanding how
simple things (like moving overseas to live in a countrydifferent from
their origin) works for someone of a different ethnicityfrom them.
A theoretical space without racism.
Without racism, I think people would be more peacefuland accepting,
as opposed to tolerating and outright discrimination.People would be
more willing to discuss and accomodate - to me, it'sa complete change
in mentality towards other people as humans, and beingable to
sympathise. In a space without racism, people wouldbe able to more
freely speak their mind without judgement and an overallmore
peaceful society.
Among the people I interact with, there's a largepercentage of people
who are very westernised. Controversial opinion, butI think to an
extent we should at least try to hold on to our roots,because if we
don't love our own culture, who's going to do it forus?

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