Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 163
Anonymous | nationality: Malaysian | ethnicity: Malay-Chinese
I feel disgusted and ashamed. Personally, I have neverbeen called that
so I'm thankful because I'm sure I would feel awfulif someone said that
to me.
To me, I think that to be Asian, you must be of Asianheritage. It's
understandable if you are foreign to your Asian culturewhen you are
raised in an environment where it is completely discardedand isn't
taught to you. However, that still makes you Asianbecause you are still
of Asian heritage.
Proud, confident and loving.
I personally have been affected by racism in my owncountry because
my late grandmother is Chinese which is considereda minority ethnic
group in this country. Consequently, me and my fatherhave inherited
visible ethnic features. People would discriminateme and my father
just because of our facial features since primaryschool. When I would
be waiting for my father to pick me up, they wouldpoke fun at the way
his eyes looked, and even used a random Chinese nameto poke fun at
him even though his name sounded Malay, the majorityrace.
Sometimes, the things they say still get to me especiallywhen
someone says them to me now. Other than that, peoplewould just
assume horrible stereotypes about Chinese-Malaysiansand I would feel
terrible about myself. But, I think I will try tolive my life the best way I
can, by being optimistic. I try not to let those thingsthey said get to me
because it's definitely what my late grandmother wouldwant me to do.
I just get upset, wondering if my father and grandmotherwent through
what I did.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Stereotypes make me feel as if I am not my own person.It makes me
feel that I am supposed to be something that I'm notsomehow. I feel
discouraged when someone brings up stereotypes tome. When
someone complimented me for my intelligence, anotherperson
interjected with "well yeah because she is part chinese".They made it
seem as if I didn't work hard or even put in the slightestbit of effort to
get where I am now. I feel like I am not my own person.They treat me
as if I am just nothing but stereotypes for them tobring up. Every time
someone brings up stereotypes, I feel sad. I feellike I'm not myself.
When someone would compliment me for how I look, someoneelse
would say "oh of course, she's mixed" it just feelsawful.
A theoretical space without racism.

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