Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 167
bad the economical situation really was — at least for the lower
classes. the parts i tended to see, which were touristattractions and
big hotels and convenience stores and malls, werejust the tip of the
iceberg. ig i realised the real reason my parentswere always upset
when relatives tried to give us money, or red pockets;and why they’d
emigrated to a western country.
i come from a background that’s failing the lowerclasses from an
economic standpoint, and it’s scary to consider thatthis poverty isn’t
something that just happens in far-off lands to far-offpeople — people
i know are in it too.
that’s all i remember though  i think everythingelse i’ve p much
laid bare.
To someone.
youre golden, not yellow u__u and also if someoneasks you if you eat
cats/dogs, r u n

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