Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Uzbek | ethnicity: Korean
The word "yellow" was first used to describe Asiansin 18-19 and it
became a certain stigma of abnormality to Europeans.That's why I do
understand why people may use it to mock asians. Personallywhen I
hear people referring to me as an "Yellow"(most ofthe times done to
be a joke)I try not to think much of it however Ido feel pressured by it.
I think that it's not right for a person to be definedby a colour since
we're way more than it. We have our traditions,pride,culture,how can
all of it be described and mocked by one word?
I think It's culture, traditions and mindset thatdefines you as an Asian.
Little things that we share,like: "eating chips withchopsticks", laughing
at how our "mom's would slap us with slippers" ornot so pleasant
feeings of pain and injustice,that we all experiencedin some ways
make us bond. I think people can call themselves Asianif they're from
Asian country or related to Asia in some way (if they'reethnic or
I also think that those who are mixed can also callthemselves Asian. I
believe that you can't stop being Asian just by forgettingyour culture
or traditions because your race is still Asian howeveri do think that it
makes people draft away from some part of themselvesand further
more makes them confused.
Confusion. Being an Ethnic-Korean means that youwon't be accepted
as a part of a Korean society fully,same goes to thecountry that you
currently live in since you're different from theothers.
I think my chosen word is connected with how I feelliving in the
society because it feels like I'm different from theothers. I have
different culture and traditions some of them wasmixed with the one's
of the country that I grew in. That's why I believeI can't be fully
accepted as a part of the society in the country thatI grew. The same
goes to the homeland of my parents/grandparents. Allthese factors
makes me confused about myself.
I often ask the same question like: who am I? CanI even have a
homeland if I can't feel like home anywhere?
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
There's enormous amount of things that makes me feellike myself and
it's probably hard for me to describe all of it butI will say that my life
was affected by stereotypes, not much but it mademe feel
uncomfortable in the society that I lived in as anexample when I was
little I felt terrible when my classmates would jokeabout the form of
my eyes or even imitate it,even though i knew theydid it as a joke it

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