Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 171
wasn't funny for me at all... Also i can't forget about the most used way
of humiliation towards me and other east-asians isthis "dog-eaters"
joke that I absolutely hate. I still can't understandwhy people use it to
shame or humiliate us?
A theoretical space without racism.
Freedom,that's the first word that came to my mind.If there were no
racism I would be feeling safer and I probably woulddo anything that I
want,without a fear of prejudice. I think It wouldbe incredible to walk
around the city and not be looked strangely at orI can't even imagine
how amazing it would feel to be equal as the othersor to be judged
equally and to have a fair competition. If this worlddid exist I think we
would be way more developed not only in social spherebut in many
others because everyone would have a right to be heard.
Well my ancestors were refugees in time of the warbetween Korea and
Japan they ran to another country and were departedfrom it after a
short period of time. This departure was consideredas hell to my
ancestors something they will never forget about.It's sounds strange
but we are different from South Korean's in termsof some aspects of
culture. For example we have holidays that they don'thave and they
too have holidays that we don't celebrate,it's reallycomplicated. This
kind of gap between Ethnic-Koreans and other Koreanswill always
stay. We're also often considered strange becausenot many of us can
speak korean fluently. This kind of things feels heavybut they're what
make me because I don't think it's possible to livewithout knowing
your past and even if it's sad it's probablythe reasonwhy you are here
and maybe it's a chanceto make a difference.
Well the first thing that I would say to the societythat I live in if given
the opportunity is that it's not okay to joke aboutAsians eating
dogs/bats or saying that we are sick(because of corona)likeit's not even
funny! People would be mad if I start to stereotypesthem as they do,so
why not to stop,if it makes you uncomfortable it'ssurely makes me
too.... I also always wanted to say to many peopleto mind their own
business! Why bother me or other people with theirunwanted
opinions/jokes not only about Asians but in general.Often people
think it's funny but in reality is just a racism...
To someone.
Maybe the words of comfort like it's okay if you feeldifferent or things
that other people say aren't important what reallymatters is your
feelings. 

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