Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Hortensia | 25 | any pronouns female | nationality:Indonesian | ethnicity: Hoklo
It's definitely ironic haha. I've been told that inancient China yellow
was a color reserved only for the highest rankingfigures, like an
emperor. Yet during eras of colonialism, yellow isnow made into an
insult to describe our sunny skin tone. I can't helpbut feel amused,
confused, and sad at the same time. It doesn't helpthat my family
surname is 黄 (yellow) whoops-
Asians are anyone who has an ancestry root from Asiaor anyone
currently living within the Asia region, that alsoincludes South East
Asians and Southern Asians. We are very diverse afterall, with many
beliefs and cultures to share with the world. I thinksome descendants
born elsewhere might not even know if they are Asian,so it becomes a
choice to relearn and identify as one. "Asian" isa very broad term.
Traditional, cautious, proud, strict, peaceful.
There is definitely that general stereotype that Chinese-descentsdon't
usually start fights. I think that does reflect tothe culture that we're
being taught when we were young. Everything has tobe about
honoring our past, our ancestors, and how we tacklechallenges back
when. And as my parents taught, I should always avoidattracting
troubles, even at the cost of sacrificing whateverI was fighting/arguing
about just to stay safe. Hence the "cautious" pointI put in, we just try to
settle peacefully anywhere we are. This is definitelyless about the
ethnicity itself, but more so on how our family andsame-race
surroundings bring us up.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
One stereotype I'm often associated with is being"stingy". In truth, I
just prefer saving money for rainy days. The onlyway people will know
that I just like saving and not give in to consumerismis when they talk
and know me better. I think there's a negative stereotypeabout Asians
liking to flex and be very materialistic haha, butI can definitely say this
is where I differ the most from the stereotype haha.
A theoretical space without racism.
It'll look like...I'll finally be able to mind myown business. My looks
won't be fetishized. My behavior or temperament wouldn'tbe the butt
of a joke. I can just go about my day in a very chill,non-stressful casual
manner. (And people won't assume that I can speakChinese).
Often times it feels like being a pale Eastern Asiandescent in a non
Eastern Asian- means you immediately lose in life.We're too pale for
people to care for your rights, due to the major Westerninfluence over


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