Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality: Indonesian | ethnicity: Chinese/Indonesian
From what I know, society identifies the color yellowto asians, because
of the color of asians' skin. Although it does notcount for all asians, to
some point I can see it being true. The color yellowitself is beautiful, it
is even one of my favorite colors. But once againit does not represent
all asians and some not-yellow-ish-skin-toned asiansmight get
offended. So although I can see why asians are called"yellow", it does
not represent the whole race. (Personally I wouldn'tmind tho).
Personally, I believe that everyone who is born inthe Continent of Asia
can be called an "Asian". That is, in my mind thesimplest way to
determine whether someone is "asian" or not. But itdoesn't mean that
it is only limited to that. I do believe that thechild(ren) of an asian
couple (or an asian parent) can still be called asianbecause of their
genetics, and the environment that they grow up in(culture,
(words) polite, big family, education important
(other) I am Chinese Indonesians (my great-grandparentsfrom mother
side are from Mainland China). Although I must admitI'm not the most
culturally-educated, I think know more about Chinesetraditions and
I'm glad my parents taught me those traditions, becausethey are so
rich in history, and just make it special for me,giving it a meaning for
me to be Chinese Indonesian. I learn Indonesian culturemostly by
exposure but it also feels like it completes me asan unique individual.
I chose those words because I believe that the culture(and traditions)
that surround me help build who I am as an individual.The words;
polite, big family and education (deemed as) important;to me
represent what was exposed to me by the culture andtraditions as an
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Hmm.. I think I have larger eyes than an Asian stereotype,and not so..
thin body. And due to my internet activity with non-Asianpeople, my
way of thinking usually differs from a stereotypeAsian (at least in my
family). Since I live in an Asian country, I am notaffected by the
stereotypes of Asians, so I do not necessarily haveany regards towards
the stereotype.
A theoretical space without racism.
My fellow asians all over the world would finallyget their human
rights. I don't personally experience any racism,but I do know for a fact
that asians (mostly I've heard in non-Asian countries)are discriminated,
not getting equal pay nor services as a human being.A world without

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