Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Nirvana | 19 | she/they | nationality: Bangladeshi| ethnicity: Asian
Yellow is a warm colour. That's what comes to me firstas I'm an art
student. I like it, it's a very soothing colour. The second think I come to
think is that East Asians are 'classified' as 'yellow'.That's because
separating people by colour is ingrained within manyof us who
ourselves are 'coloured' people.
A colour that fits me better would be brown.
To me, being Asian means having roots in Asia or simplyliving in Asia.
But of course, if you were to move out of Asia, youwouldn't actually
stop being Asian. It will remain, but as tiny partof your identity, of your
My ethnicity is Asian. I think Asians are very colourfulin culture and
hold tradition with great importance. And there isa lot of variety in
Asian cultures compared to that in other parts ofthe world. Though
Asians are much more conservative, I think. All inall, I quite like the
fact that I'm Asian.
The idea of what my ethnicity is like in my eyes isdefinitely influenced
by my surroundings. I was born and brought up in Asia,and the other
countries I've visited are all Asian as well. Otherparts of the world, I've
only seen on TV or on the Internet. Since I've alwaysbeen here, it's
hard for me to say if my ethnicity is rooted in me/mygenes.
My thoughts towards my ethnicity is neutral to racism.I do see people
of different colours, but I perceive that as eachperson's individual trait.
It's not something I discriminate against.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
My thoughts about marriage and family is the one thingthat differs
from the typical stereotype. Here, marriage is prettycommon and
important, specially to elders. But I don't hold itwith such high regard.
Even if they say it's for safety, specially for women,I cannot agree to it.
I did like someone romantically, but that doesn'tmean I want to get
married to them. I don't know about later, but rightnow, I'm strictly
against the whole idea of marriage and even dating.It makes me think
that I'm leaning a bit towards asexuality, and I'vetried explaining it to
my mother (who I'm very close with) but she refusesto understand and
insists 'Everyone says that, it will change in thefuture.' That hurt. It's
like taboo or something. But I think the younger generationis different
than the older generation and that's good to know.
A theoretical space without racism.
We've been living with racism for so long, it'd feelweird in a world
where it's suddenly gone entirely. It'd really feelsurreal. We'd take

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