Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 177
some time to truly believe it's really gone because people have been
arduously struggling with it for so long. It'd obviouslybe a better world
Well, there are several moments each day that we feelcould've turned
out differently.
In regards to's not just in Asia, but fittinginto the society feels
too important. Maybe this way of thinking came frompeople's the
strong feelings of wanting to uphold tradition andreligious belief.
Anything outside 'normal' is strange or bad. Therehave been several
instances when I wanted to say that something wasokay, that normal
is different for everyone- but I ended up not sayingit. I deeply regret
that. I wish I spoke up all those times I didn't.
To someone.
I saw this in an anime, haha, and it just landed amajor blow to my
self-destructive way of thinking. Let me explain thescenario in it: a girl
tears the story she wrote with all her might, justbecause her 'friends'
aren't into writing like she is and think it's lame;she goes as far as to
call what she wrote trash. Our main character (whois, of course, an
average person who most of us can probably relateto) picks up the
torn pieces and says, "I don't think this is trash.If you're going to throw
it away, I'll take it. I made the decision to considermy feelings more.
And you need to pick up things you feel are important."Tears welled up
in the protagonist's eyes- and in my own eyes as well.
The scene is much more impactful... I can't reallyexplain the feelings
in words clearly, unfortunately. But the lines struckever so deeply. And
I think a lot of people need to hear these words becausethey end up
bringing themselves down because of things otherssaid.
Whoever you are, you are valid. And you're on theright track unless you
hurt someone else badly. Treasure your feelings andtreasure yourself
(and if you can, treasure other people as well)! You'regoing to be okay.

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