Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality & ethnicity: Indian
I always loved the colour yellow I associate it withhappiness , the
colour of bright sun, lemons sun flower When I wasa child I always
bought yellow clothes My name Joy was personifiedas a yellow girl in
the movie ' Inside out' But I don't associate withyellow that much right
now I am more inclined to blue nowadays I don't mindreferred to as
anything but I don't think I am yellow or anyone wouldconsider me
yellow and to your last question I think the yellowis associated with
the skin colour of Chinese people it's shown in booksand comics and
people say that their skin colour is more yellowishbut I really don't
believe that and don't refer Chinese people as yellow.
I guess if someone is or their parents or grandparentswere born and
brought up in Asia they can call themselves an AsianI guess when
someone's upbringing is totally different from anyAsian culture or
someone don't know anything about the culture theybelong to then
they shouldn't call themselves as pure Asians I alsothink it's upto
people whatever they wanna call themselves or associatewith So if
they wanna call themselves Asian then so be it. Intoday's world
genetics can be misleading So if someone may looklike Asian others
shouldn't assume that the person is an Asian. Asiais an huge
amalgamation of different cultures So I really don'thave any clear idea
what could bring all Asians together.
Me and both my parents were born and brought up inKolkata Capital
city of the state of West Bengal in India but my grandparentslived in
Bangladesh and came to India at the time of partitionSo basically I am
Bengali My culture heritage and language is Bengalimixed with a little
north Indian culture In the matter of genetics it'spretty hard to tell as
Bengali people don't have any specific kinda featuressome of us are
really white or black or have Tibetan features I myselfam dusky with
mixed features. I do love my Bengali culture and heritagebut I am not
deeply rooted in them and I really don't fit intoany stereotypical
Bengali or even Indian mindset Believe it or not Ihave totally different
open mindset you generally don't see in Indians. Igenerally get a little
happy whenever I see Bengali culture represented anywherein the
world or will be offended if said any wrong thingabout it but that's it.
For memories obviously it will be DURGA PUJA our traditionalSWEETS
Songs of RABINDRA NATH TAGORE whenever I think ofmy culture I do
want to have good memories and happiness when I lookupon it I


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