Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 181
My perception isn't rooted within myself It was influenced by people
family and society around me. That being said I taughtmyself to be
open minded and shed all the stereotypes I was taughtor heard around
me. Racism is all around in my country and my statebecause the
people of North Eastern India have Tibetan featuresthey are called
Chinese chinki momo etc but I never let those ideasnestle in me I
never have and will never will contribute to racismin anyway and
always will protest against those who commits thecrime.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I think most people of West thinks all Indians aregood at maths and
sucks at English Which is completely opposite in mycase They think
we must be obsessed with Bollywood which isn't alsotrue in my case
Western people also think Indian guys are creepy Whichisn't entirely
false but not all of them are. Speaking of stereotypesabout Bengalis all
of us aren't obsessed with fish atleast not me I mightbe relate to the
stereotypes of Indian parents cause they are kindalike that.
A theoretical space without racism.
If there was a space without racism then I guess peoplewould see
other people as a human being and nothing else theywouldn't make
silly assumptions about anyone just by looking atthem or think they
are inferior and so many people who have awful experiencesbecause
of their skin colour or how they look wouldn't havehad to go through
that at all.

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