Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 183
anywhere and everywhere. Things would be more fair, there would be
lesser violence, crime and more peace.
I’d refrain from calling myself an Indian. It’s weirdlyappalling...but this
comes with insecurities I have due to people’s opinionof how Indians
are smelly, cheap, they have a funny accent, they’re dirty, they’re
uneducated and so on. It’s strange, but I admit this.Whenever someone
asks me where I’m from, obviously I say I’m from Thailand...butthen
they frown and say “oh really? You don’t look it”.That annoys me a
little...and I go ahead and explain that I’m partThai and part Indian.
The funny thing is, I reiterate that I was born andraised in Thailand,
hoping to convey the fact that I am different fromthe Indians who
come from India. In this case scenario alone, I feellike I’m being
extremely judgmental against Indians. But then again,I can’t possibly
be racist towards my own ancestral background. Ifit weren’t for the
opinions I’ve heard from people about Indians.
I’ve also had to deal with stereotypes about westernersassuming that
every Thai girl is in the prostitution industry. Brothelsand prostitution
in general is very big in Thailand, and I’m sure manyare familiar with
“Thai massage”. So when my partner tells people thatI’m Thai...their
eyes twinkle in away that makes me very uncomfortable.
Correct. many things. I feel like racism stems from“white supremacy”.
Throughout history we’ve read about how this humancasually sailed to
an island and “conquered” it, while slaughtering theaboriginals of the
land. It was done in America. It was done in Australia.This is of course,
going too far when it comes to “making corrections”.But in general
terms, i was always able to reply to anyone who wastrying to make me
feel like an outsider. For instance, when I was inThailand, at one
occasion I was told to “go back home, this isn’t yourcountry”. I replied
by saying that “This is my country, I was born hereand I am home.”
Many times, I was also assumed to be a Muslim, justbecause of the
way I looked.
To someone.
And a few parting words for people who have to dealwith stereotypes
and racism; hang in there and don’t ever feel guiltyabout standing up
for yourself. Always be proud of where you’re frombecause at the end
of it, we’re all humans and our blood runs red.

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