Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | 21 | they/them, genderfluid | nationality:Filipino
I've always wondered why non-asian countries werereferred to as
'yellow'. No one in my country referred to themselvesas 'yellow'. It
confused me when I saw it in tv in an American tvshow. I later found
out it was a slur of sorts. I always thought of everyoneas just 'people'. I
still don't understand it really. Asian people don'tjust come in one
color. Filipinos don't come in just one color. Sowhy call asians 'yellow'?
You don't really just 'stop' being Asian. As longas you have Asian blood,
it doesn't matter where you are in the world. Plentyof Filipinos move
to different countries, that certainly doesn't stopthem from being
Asian. Even if they get a citizenship in a differentcountry, the blood
still flows through their veins.
There are some people though that say once you'remixed race, you're
not Asian anymore. I certainly don't believe that.They have every right
to embrace their Asian heritage and they should.
I'm Filipino. I think the best way to describe Filipinosis that they're
happy people.
I didn't understand it when I was growing up, giventhat I had bouts of
depression. I think I understand now though, why peoplethink of
Filipinos as a happy race.
Typhoon Ulysses hit my area pretty badly but my familyand I got out
relatively unscathed. None of us slept those few nightsthough, to wait
for the storm to pass. It was scary. I was afraidthat all of our windows
would shatter or worse. The next day though, wheneverwe would see
our neighbors, they would smile. They would make jokesabout how
they would put tags on their roofs so the next timeit gets blown away,
it'd be easier to find.
It was uplifting. It's like having your own ray ofsunshine in the midst of
a storm, you know?


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