Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 185
Anonymous | nationality: Singaporean | ethnicity:Filipino
Yellow by itself is a pretty nice colour. Bright andvibrant and really the
colour of sunshine. However in terms of being referredas 'yellow', i
mostly take it as a joke here i can tolerate sincemost people in
Singapore are Asians and its more of a 'mocking' tonetowards people
who make these jokes. Yellow also doesn't target alltypes of asians,
but primarily Chinese people.
I think being Asian can be viewed as two things, geneticallyand
culturally. You're not Asian when not a substantialamount of your
genetic heritage is from Asian places I suppose. However,being
genetically Asian while not carrying down traditionsfrom ones' origins
may make one feel like they've lost touch with theirAsian heritage.
Food, Music, Language, Family Traditions.
These words were chosen from personal experience andjust the
environment I grew up in, where my ethnicity was alwayspraised for
these aspects.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
It's kinda weird for me because I fit into some ofthese stereotypes and
I only differ from them because I'm not overly exaggeratingthose
traits. Personally I've found no offence on thesestereotypes because
I've been taught from young just to "deal with myown business" but I
do understand that they may be offensive to some.
A theoretical space without racism.
It looks the same for me since I haven't dealt withmuch racism my life.
And on the occasions that I have, I've adopted an"ignorance is bliss"
mindset. Obviously, this may not work for other people'sexperiences,
and a space without racism will be quite differentfor them as well.
Many people assume that in Asian countries, we don'tface racism
amongst ourselves. Especially with a Chinese majorityin Singapore, the
minorities like Indians and Malays also face racismas well, and it's not
"all right" to make offensive comments or jokes justbecause they're the
To someone.
Try your best to treat people with a baseline respect.Just mind your
own business essentially.

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