Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 191
Something like that. But none of those are a secret hehe. Maybe
nobody talks about it as often because there are more pressing things
to talk about, or it's not usually what the modernworld would discuss
casually, so thank you for this. For shedding lightto this topic.
Ahh yes. I get people assuming, all the time, justbecause I'm chinese,
that I'm privileged, but my family and I actuallywent through a lot
because of financial difficulties. And they tend todownplay what I say
because they think that I've been living a good life,when they don't
know a thing about me. And I'm not about to sharemy life story to
people just so they could get things right. So I letthem be. I also get
the stereotype people expecting me to be good at math,being good at
everything I do, but I'm only human. I have flaws,and I have a lot of
them. I'd like to say to people that I think it'stime that we look at each
person individually to stop generalizing and lettingstereotypes define
them as a person.
You might even find out things that may surprise you.
To someone.
Hello! You are unique and you are beautiful. The beautystandard here,
from where I grew up, is western centric, with a lotof the media
coming from the US, and with the Philippines beingheavily influenced
by western powers. Your features may be differentfrom those on tv,
that doesnt mean that you're not beautiful. That'swhat I would like to
say to the younger me, and to other young kids outthere who are
experiencing the same insecurity that I went through.

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