Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Rachel | 18 | she/her | nationality: Singaporean |ethnicity: Chinese
My initial reaction to it was thinking of sunflowersand how yellow is
my favourite colour! I like what the colour represents
(Happiness/Bright/Positivity) and how it just givesgood vibes.
I would refer to myself as yellow because I am Chinesebut i think
because of this colour thing, it has made many peopleunaware that
Asians are more than just Chinese, Japanese, Korean,ect. and people
forget that Indians, Malays, etc. are Asian as well.I personally don’t
take offence when it comes to describing someone interms of their
skin colour (yellow/white/black/brown) unless it comeswith
offensive/racist connotations.
•What defines “Asian” / What is it that makes someoneAsian / Who’re
allowed to call themselves Asian:
My answer is pretty simple, i just think that to beAsian you must be
genetically Asian. (as quoted from google, “Asian people are people
who descend from a portion of Asia's population.”.)Even if you were
adopted into a family, you could experience Asianculture but you will
still be/identify as your own race that you were bornas (e.g a white
person adopted by a Indian family will still be awhite person and not
•What brings “Asians” together?
Food! I think food is a common thing that is ableto bring many
different groups of people together as having a mealis a common
shared experience that we all have regardless of whoyou are. I think
food is also such an easy way to exchange and learnmore about others
culture. In Singapore, as a multi-racial society,food is something that
we are all equally crazy over. Chicken rice, NasiLemak, Roti Prata and
so much more 襤.
If i were to choose a few words to describe my ethnicity(chinese):
proud, strong traditions, diverse but also very basic
•What do i think/feel in relation to my ethnicity:I think i have always
been very proud to be asian and chinese, i personallydon’t think
anyone should be “ashamed” of who they are becausehaving different
cultures and traditions is what makes this world socolourful and
interesting. I guess i don’t think about my ethnicitythat much but i do
realise how privileged i am to be chinese in singaporeas we are the
majority population and casual racism against theother races (malay,
indian, etc.) do happen more often than compared tous chinese.
•what memories do i think of: Memories that i specificallyco-relate to
being chinese would be all the festivals that i getto partake in, and my


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