Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | nationality & ethnicity: Indonesian
I personally have never been called "Yellow" by anyoneever. I don't
know the history behind the name. I didn't even knowthat it's a
nickname people give to asians until i listened toa song that talks
about it a few years ago. I don't associate myselfwith the word,
because a lot of people (usually from the west) onlyrecognize east
asians as people of asia, and so i have a feelingthat "yellow" is only
directed at east asians. I am from indonesia, whichis a tropical country
in south east asia, so our skin color is usually darkerthan those from
east asia, and i think the word "yellow" doesn't reallydescribe us asians
with darker skin, which is again why i don't associatemyself with it.
However, i would feel a bit offended if people callme yellow, maybe
because i feel like that word is meant to be an insultor something
offensive. I personally find it weird to call people"black" or "white" too.
Although i don't know if those are meant to be thesame thing as
I think being asian means that one is born with theasian genetic, like,
if someone is born to an asian family, then they candefinitely call
themselves asian. If they grow up in a non-asian countryand without
asian culture, i think they can still call themselvesasian, but i think it's
their choice. So if i was born to an asian family,but raised in australia
with australian culture, then i can call myself eitherasian or australian,
both are correct in my opinion.
I've heard that we are friendly, smiling often atstrangers and such, and
a lot of us are conservative and religious. A lotof us are, unfortunately,
quite judgemental but I'm not really sure though,maybe it's just the
teenagers since i rarely get to know adults.
I think that i chose those words because thats justhow the people
around me is. I'm pretty sure that my feelings aboutthis are not
influenced by racism.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
They say asians are academic overachievers. I am notlike that. I don't
study more than the average student. I'm very laidbackabout this kind
of things, but i've achieved enough for my friendsto call me smart.
They think all asians have thin eyes and are monolidded.I don't have
those. I think stereotypes are bad in general. Thegood stereotypes
pressure us to meet those standards, while the badstereotypes are
disrespectful. There are some stereotypes that aretrue to me, for
example i am short, not athletic, and lack socialskills. A lot of people i


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