Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 195
know are not like that. I just think that it's bad to believe in
A theoretical space without racism.
I think in a place where racism doesn't exist i wouldstill be the same
as i am. I can still do the same things that i coulddo, maybe more. In
this theoretical world, i would definitely feel veryhappy that people
would respect us as they should.
Hmm well i'm not really sure, but i think a lot ofasians are racist to
other asians too, and it's just really sad to see.So maybe instead of
doing bad things to each other, we should be friendlyand nice to
A lot of people think that Bali is a country. No,it is not. Bali is an island
(also a province) in Indonesia. It's disappointingwhen i see Bali and
Indonesia mentioned separately, as if Bali is nota part of Indonesia.
Other than that, a lot of people think all asianseat with chopsticks.
That is not true, we use spoons and forks too. Also,I've already stated
this, but not all asians have the same physical characteristics.Just like
non-asians, we are unique individuals. And, thereis no such thing as
"asian culture" unless we are talking about the memesand jokes. Asia
is not just China, Korea and Japan. Asia includesIndia, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Nepal, and many more.
Oh and there was a time in high school where i wasgiven the
opportunity to meet high schoolers from other countries,like
Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, India, Myanmar, and other
countries too. We were having breakfast togeetherat the hotel, and a
girl from another country was visibly disgusted byone of the food. I
didn't say anything because i didn't really know whatto say. But i did
feel offended, and even now, i still don't know whati should have said
or done, so umm maybe people should be more.. uhhpolite? Yeah...
To someone.
I don't know what it's like to experience really badthings because of
racist people, so i don't want to undermine people'shardships, but i
hope that you can get through all of this racist stuffthe world put you

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