Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Varshini | 19 | she/her | nationality: Indian | ethnicity:Telugu
Yellow became my happy colour when i was feeling downin middle
school. Also yellow is associated with a lot of culturalelements and
customs which involve turmeric. I think my colouris more of a cup of
chai or cookies. But i am just usually referred toas dark skinned. And in
India, skin colour is a BIG deal. You gotta be fairor nothing.
I feel being Asian usually includes having very strictparents and a non
western kind of upbringing.
By that I mean, we don’t get to make a lot of ourown decisions, get our
way in things or even just look the way WE want.
Colour also plays a huge role, any time a person isa little dark, they’re
labelled as a South Indian. And it’s painfully degradingto have to live
up to these societal standards and expectations.
I feel that more than ethnicity being rooted withinmyself, its the add
ons like the facts of culture and customs that volumesabout it. Its
majorly influenced by the society i live in. In thecase of not following
these norms, one is simply cast aside and called abnormal.There is no
matter of choice.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
I am a design student which is mostly frowned uponhere. I'm happy in
my field but because i don't go by the book, my thoughtsare often
discarded. I studied very well upto 12th grade andhad good scores. But
i chose to work in design. People see that as a majorflaw because in
India, if you don't study conventional subjects, you'vefailed in life.
A theoretical space without racism.
It would finally be this place where I don’t haveto brace myself to
taunts and comments regarding colour. It would benice to not have to
overthink and shame this one aspect of me which isout of my control.
Here people don't talk about religion and treat itas a taboo as we are a
secular country. Infact the racist stereotypes underlyingreligion anger


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