Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 199
I loved the sciences, but in hindsight, I think I loved a lot of things as
well. And yet, I hesitated going into social studies and the arts, because
I was scared. Because staying in the sciences was"best" for me.
Stereotypes held me back. Unconsciously, at first;but consciously, as I
let it. I'm different now, but I still wonder, whatwould've happened if
the stereotype was closer to who I was? Would I havefelt less stressed
out? Would things have been different?
A theoretical space without racism.
It's kind of hard to imagine, after all, racism andxenophobia in general,
can stem from so many insecurities and issues.
So I think that, people would exist differently. Wewouldn't have the
tendency to create us vs them dichotomies. We wouldn'thave a fear of
the unknown. We wouldn't have problems describingpeople without
using labels and simplifications that minimize theindividual.
I think none of us would exist in a place like that.or if we did, we
would exist very differently. Even our approach togrowth would be
In a world without racism, history would be much shorter,but I feel like
our future would span much farther.
Being born as Chinese/Indonesian was unlucky for me.
I have mental health issues, and I was born in: 1.the oldest still
running culture (China), and 2. A country that hasexisted for less than
a hundred years (Indonesia). Both are equally frustratingwhen you're
trying to find professional mental health help.
I used to curse this fact (in a hateful, spiteful,and possibly even racist
way), but being unlucky in this world can mean a lotof things. It can
mean hell. I do not think that I live in hell. I guessI'm lucky my unlucky
is mild lmao.
I wish everything was just kinder. Me being kinderto myself and to my
origins, culture being kinder to confused and hurtingindividuals, and
people being kinder to each other--not necessarilyPC culture or
anything, but actively working against racial bias,considering others
complexly; beyond labels, stereotypes, and generalizations.And even if
some xenophobia manages to pass through, to apologizeand listen to
the woes of others.
To someone.
We contain multitudes. Our history and origin, andthen our dreams and
efforts. Mantain that diversity--value it and thenembrace it.

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