Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

was maybe 9 or something, and he replied with “I don’t want to date a
Chinese girl” which impacted my younger self a lot.I’ve heard similar
things throughout my life, that guys only want blondeskinny girls and
such and such. As I have grown older I’ve gotten betterat not caring
about those things but it still gets me sometimes.
It’s also kinda hard that majority can’t relate, orunderstand. I wish
adoption and adoptees identity and belonging was somethingthat we
talked about more.
I kinda wish I knew some Chinese, so when people callout “ni hao” on
the streets I could curse them in Chinese. I alsowish I would’ve kicked
the dude who dissed me in middle school in his balls(I wouldn’t dare
tho because I’m not violent). If I could correct itcompletely I wouldn’t
even have asked him out. But most of all I would wantfor my feelings
to go above the need to please others in situationswere I feel
uncomfortable or wronged.
To someone.
You are perfect as you are, no one else can do you.Be uniquely you.
Being the norm is boring anyways.


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