Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Anonymous | 27 | he/him | nationality & ethnicity:Japanese
The color of yellow is associated with summer andjoy in my view.
When it comes to a color which would suit me is bluebecause my
family name means clean river if I translate it directly.That color
represents my personality that I’m always calm aswell.
Asian is defined by genetics and DNA after all I think.For instance, if I
was born in the UK with Japanese DNA, I would be recognizedas Asian
British or Japanese British. Also, even I would sayI am Asian British
because obviously I would look like different fromanother British
I have a friend who is Japanese British in real life.Although I recognize
her as a British, I recognize her Japanese as wellat the same time
because her parents are Japanese who just moved tothe UK 1990’s.
She was born and grew up in London and has never livedin Japan
Too polite and too submissive.
But if I mention good points, Japanese are smart andsensible.
‘Too polite and too submissive’ came from my experienceliving in
London. That was my first experience that I live inforeign country and I
realized many cultural differences. I was at the veryinternational class
in UAL, and those classmates gave me impression thatprobably
Japanese are an only race who are poor at expressingyour opinion and
thought. Because of this nationality, Japanese citizensare tend to be
obey somebody who is higher class than you in my opinion.This
nationality is created by everybody, influences eachother so that
nobody stand out.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
Unlike many Japanese, I’m always interested in foreigncultures and
hopefully want to settle down in my favorite country.This is because I
would know myself like who I am and something I can’tnotice if I stay
inside of my country through comparing to the othercountry’s culture.
A theoretical space without racism.
In a theoretical space without racism, that worldwould be full of
peace. That world would accelerate internationalismbecause people
wouldn’t reject another races since no one care aboutyour religion,
culture and color of skins. Eventually, the notionof ‘country’ possibly be
disappeared and unite all as one as citizens on earth.
To someone.
Be proud of your irreplaceable culture.


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